What Our Customers are Saying about our Welding Products:

Video Testimonial:

Written Testimonials:


Everything still looking good, got all the fittings welded and have not had any cracking or brakes. – Zack

This stuff works ! It takes a little getting used to but it does work . – Customer

This product works ! I’ve been out proving it to my customers. – Jimmy, Welding Shorts

Aluma Steel is a great seller and customer oriented.  it works and he was very surprised since nothing like this exists and could not be done in the past . – Welder in France

 I am the welding director at the only AWS Accredited Testing Facility in Alaska.  I am a CWI and very active in the welding community across our State.  I was the Chairman for AWS Alaska Section for three years and am Vise Chair presently.  I have worked with aluminum for over 20 years.  I built two river aluminum river boats last year.  I don’t know how many times I have asked myself “if you could only bond steel to aluminum without using crazy expensive process like explosion welding”.  Clayton Wingfield is one of my students here at Northern Industrial Training.  Clayton purchased your product and we tried it out this morning.  I have to say, I am completely blown away and in AHH how good this works.  I talked to Clayton about the chance and opportunity of maybe teaming up and being a distributor for Alumasteel.  If there is one thing I am good at, it is networking.  Especially if it is a quality product like yours that I truly believe in.  – Jason


And they said it couldn’t be done. But it can using Aluma steel tig rod.  And now we use it in our tooling department! – Denny


Hey this rod works great and we used it on our customers parts. They are going to order more. I also told my brother in law who is a machinist in California and he couldn’t believe it so i sent him a picture of the product.  It’s a lid for a customer oversees. We let people know about you guys . Thanks for all your help !
– Phil, Hextool, Texas